Whois Domain Lookup
Find out who owns a domain name.
Whois Domain Lookup Tool

How Does Whois Lookup Work?
Whois Lookup for domain names is a public service allowing you to get all refreshed data about a given domain, This whois information includes: the registrar name, creation, update, and expiry dates also it provides the domain status, DNS server, and registrant name if it’s not protected.
All whois information comes from the ICANN servers as provided by the registrar during the registration or after any domain update.
Do you absolutely want a specific domain?
A lot of times, a desired domain name is taken by someone else. And unfortunately, a lot of times it’s the perfect domain for your business. Don’t worry, there are still things you can do to get it.
Negotiate: You can use our Whois Lookup tool and find the owner of the domain. Then you can reach out to the current domain owner and express your interest in acquiring the domain. Sometimes, they might be willing to sell it if the offer is right. Be prepared for negotiations and have a budget in mind.
Use a Domain Broker: Negotiating to acquire a domain name is not always easy. Hiring a domain broker may be the right solution for you in this case. A domain broker specializes in buying and selling domain names and can help make a deal between you and the current domain owner.
Wait for Expiry: You can check the expiry date of a certain domain name by using our Whois Lookup tool. Once you know when the domain name will expire, you can keep an eye on the domain to get it when the time comes. But this does not guarantee you can get it as the current owner may want to renew the domain, and he always has the priority over the domain.